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One good video about the heating with fire. This free video was created for you by http://epsos.de and can be re-used for free, under the creative commons license, with the attribution of epSos.de as the original creator of this video about the heating with fire. Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !! Alcohol burners are preferred for some uses over Bunsen burners for safety purposes, as their flame is limited to approximately two inches in height, with a comparatively lower temperature. Heaters are appliances whose purpose is to generate heat for the building. This can be done via central heating. Such a system contains a boiler, furnace, or heat pump to heat water, steam, or air in a central location such as a furnace room in a home, or a mechanical room in a large building. The heat can be transferred by convection, conduction, or radiation. The heating centralized is an air conditioning system that serves several premises whether or not a home. The main advantages are the increased efficiency and that neighbors should not worry maintenance of generators. Also, in many cases, large consumers have better used for energy prices, resulting in a cost savings that may be important. The most common system is the central heating hot water that uses a boiler where water and radiator emitting type or heated floor heating in living quarters , bringing the hot water through a pipe network. In this wonderful video we can see how we can use alcohol of heating. The alcohol can be cheap and very clean. The flame of the alcohol is very soft and not as hot as the fire from the gas. The fire from the alcohol is less dangerous and can be used inside of the house. There are many different tools for heating with the help of the alcohol. The most modern form of heating with alcohol is the ethanol lamp with a ceramic sponge and a hot chamber that can help the alcohol to burn very efficiently. The cost of the heating is very important. The alcohol can be very cheap, because almost all organic matter can be converted to alcohol. Alcohol is one of the most practical forms for heating, because it can be transported very fast. It is liquid and very easy to burn. A lot easier than working with gas or coal that can generate more heat, but does require more fresh air in the house. Ethanol fireplaces are available in several different designs. Wall Mounted design can be built into a wall or recessed. Free standing or stand alone ethanol fireplaces are portable and can be used in any architectural setting, including indoors and out. Table top ethanol fireplaces are the smallest versions of ethanol fireplaces and are often used as a decoration. The bio-alcohol stove is a heater in the shape of a fireplace for heating of an indoor environment that uses the alcohol, an environmentally friendly liquid fuel, that is safe in comparison to the traditional gas stoves . It can be burned inside of the room and does not need the chimney. It is easy to install on all the walls. It requires no chimney and electrical current. During installation this type of heating will not require a permit from the government. We can be very happy about this fire from alcohol. Thank you for supporting the creative commons movement !!