14m 48sLänge

A SWOT Analysis is a tool used to complete an objective analysis of a company. In addition to taking an internal look at the company (strengths and weaknesses), companies also need to scan the external environment to identify both opportunities and threats. In this video I'll explain what a SWOT Analysis is, and provide some examples of what can be considered in each category. Go Premium for only $9.99 a year and access exclusive ad-free videos from Alanis Business Academy. Click here for a 14 day free trial: http://bit.ly/1Iervwb View additional videos from Alanis Business Academy and interact with us on our social media pages: YouTube Channel: http://bit.ly/1kkvZoO Website: http://bit.ly/1ccT2QA Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1cpuBhW Twitter: http://bit.ly/1bY2WFA Google+: http://bit.ly/1kX7s6P